I was first introduced to this brand through my monthly Love with Food subscription. I tried the Fleur De Sel popcorn which is sure to delight any pick palate. That was… until I went into World Market looking for more tasty treats to introduce you to. Hence, I stumbled upon the clearance section and BAM 479 degrees popcorn was on sale. OMG! I was over the moon excited, I stooped down to grab a bag of my believed Fleur de Sel flavor when… What is this…A new flavor? Black Truffle and White Cheddar?
I pondered as I shopped throughout the store? Should I buy, Should I not buy it? Be a rebel, I thought and since it was on sale you have nothing to lose if you don’t like it. I made it home and could barely get in the door before I ripped the bag and tried it. I didn’t like it, I “loved” it! I have never experience the flavor of “black” truffle and it is delightfully unique (a bit like a salty delicious unique mushroom flavor – but 100x better) and the white cheddar seemed to be aged with supreme care. My taste buds were dancing with glee and so was I, Yes it is that good.
Verdict: I am in love with this popcorn, Why you ask? Not only is it delicious, but they have created unique flavors unknown to man. 479 degrees popcorn is good for you as well, all popcorn is are popped and it’s only “70” calories per 1 cup. So you can munch at work, home, in the car or at the park and not worry about your waistline. Check out there website here > www.479popcorn.com and order today.