I am absolutely head over heals in love with Pistachios. I used to buy the brand whose commercial’s boast, “Get Cracking!” But I hated to shovel out $8-9 for a bag. On one of my recent trips to one of these best grocery stores in the city – Costentio’s Market Downtown. I discovered a new and local brand of pistachio’s from NutNation. The company has unique flavor combinations such as Parmesan Ranch, Blazing Sweet (my favorite), Zesty Garlic, and Pumpkin Spice.
I decided to give the Blazing Sweet a try. It has a sweet, smoky flavor, with a slight heat. In fact, They were so good. I had to share them with my fellow pistachio lovers at work and they were liked them so much. They walked down to the market to get a bag for themselves. I have been buying one bag every paycheck to curb my pistachio habit.
Click here to find where you can find these delicious Pistachios in your next of the woods.